Step foot on the savannah of the Masai Mara and experience this iconic wilderness on a walking safari, camping out in the bush and truly getting in touch with the natural world. Led by your experienced guides, you’ll explore the grasslands of the Mara the way the Maasai have done for generations, awakening your senses and discovering Kenya’s flora and fauna at your own pace.

There is a sense of connection with the landscape and its inhabitants that is quite profound, and fundamentally different to other safari experiences.

It is easy to imagine oneself transported back in time to an era when people had this magical place utterly to themselves. Walking through the bush on foot gives one a sense of vulnerability that heightens the senses. Every sound is magnified, every scent more profound, every sight etched into the memory.

The duration and pace of the walking safari will be determined in consultation with our team. We have the flexibility to create an itinerary that allows for participation for almost any age or level of fitness.



The official start of your walking safari is when you arrive at camp. We can help you make any arrangements necessary to facilitate your journey to the camp and you are more than welcome to spend additional days at the camp before the walking safari begins. You will spend a relaxing evening at the camp, having your equipment checked by our guide, enjoying a tasty meal, a few drinks and a good night’s sleep. Adventure awaits!

Days 2-5

Over the next three (or more!) days you’ll rise early to enjoy a hearty breakfast before departing on an exciting walking safari, accompanied by your skilled Maasai guides. Settling in a different carefully selected campsite every day, you’ll be following in the footsteps of Maasai hunter-gatherers who have lived in this region for generations.

As you walk through the wilderness your guides will teach you about Africa’s “Big Five” and “Small Five” as well as how to identify their skulls, dung and footprints. After a few hours of walking, each day you’ll stop under the shade of an acacia tree to enjoy a picnic lunch and a spot of relaxation prior to your afternoon walk. The mobile camp and a roaring fire will await you each evening, where you’ll have dinner and settle in for a night of storytelling and stargazing before retiring to your tent for a restful night.

Final Night

With your epic Walking Safari at an end, you will retreat to a warm welcome and eagerly awaited creature comforts back at camp. A hot shower, fresh clothes, delicious food and icy drinks will accompany hours of storytelling and reviewing of photos. Dreams of endless grassy plains will sooth you into a deep and well-earned sleep.

You may decide to combine this safari with another trip and we can facilitate crafting one smooth itinerary for you. Just ask us.