Pull Together!

Kenya’s National Motto

Kenya is a thriving dynamic nation of nearly 55 million people. It boasts the most extraordinary range of ecosystems - from high alpine slopes to arid savannah to tropical rainforest. The ethnic makeup of the country is no less diverse and any journey to Kenya will expose the traveller to a myriad of traditions, customs, foods and stories.

All will entrance and enlighten and the wise traveller will learn much of importance from a traditionally sustainable approach to society, the land and the animals that roam.

Kenya provides some of the world’s most outstanding wildlife-viewing opportunities. Akashinga Maasai focusses on welcoming clients to two of the most important Reserves, The Maasai Mara National Reserve and Amboseli National Park.

Kenya does not have its’ share of societal challenges, many of them with complex roots. Akashinga Maasai’s sister organization, The Naserian Foundation, is working with local communities to implement innovative and sustainable programmes.


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Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya is an extinct volcano which originally rose an estimated 3 million years ago and last erupted an estimated 2.6 million years ago. Mount Kenya National Park was formed in 1949 and in 1978 the site became a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve before finally being named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. It is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa, after Kilimanjaro, and the three highest peaks, Batian Nelion and Lenana are named after Maasai chiefs.



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Known as the safari capital of Africa, Nairobi is an energetic, modern city that serves as a fascinating introduction to both wildlife and nightlife. Music clubs pulse with life, shops and markets bustle, and a mélange of restaurants will tempt your palate in this former Maasai watering hole. Top sights include the Karen Blixen Museum, Giraffe Centre and the black rhinos of Nairobi National Park. There are many excellent hotel options both in the city centre and in the suburbs.


The Aberdares

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Lamu Island

Founded in the 14th century, Lamu Island is the best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. Over the centuries, the island has been inhabited by Asians, Persians, Indians, Europeans and Kenyans, and as a result it has a unique charm of blended cultures. Crumbling old forts lie next to elegant rooftop cafés; narrow, cobbled streets wind past intricately carved front doors; Muslim school children laugh and play in the street between lessons. A wondrous destination!



The Samburu National Reserve is an arid semi-desert land sparsely populated by proud nomadic people. The rugged and remote Samburu reserve provides some the best and most colorful game viewing. Large predators such as the lions, leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs and birdlife are a common attraction to this protected area. The reserve hosts a huge population of elephants. Birdlife is abundant with over 450 species recorded.

The Aberdares are an isolated volcanic range that forms the eastern wall of the rift valley, running about 100 Km north south between Nairobi and Thompsons Falls. This beautifully scenic region is much cooler than the savannahs and offers a completely different perspective on the country. The national park lies mainly above the tree line. The scenery is spectacular with its mountainous terrain covered in thick tropical forests swathed in mist.

Mombasa is a melting pot of cultures with its winding cobblestone streets, lined with stunning architecture influenced by the city’s Portuguese and Arab settlers. With an incredible palm-fringed coastline that stretches as far as the eye can see, studded with pristine beaches, clear waters and a wealth of marine life, Mombasa holidays offer the perfect place for a relaxing break or a romantic getaway. Leave the heat of the city for the shore, and you'll discover the stunning East African coastline.


Full Name: The Republic of Kenya.

Population: 53 million

Capital: Nairobi.

Area: 582,646 sqkm (224,961 sq miles)

Major Languages: Kiswahili, English.

National Animal: Lion (Simba!)

Total Number of Languages: 68

Number of Seasons: 2 (rainy season and dry season)

Major Religion: Christianity.

Monetary Unit: 1 Kenya shilling = 100 cents.

Length of Coastline: 536km/ 333 miles

Highest Point: 5199m (Mount Kenya!)

Staple Food: Ugali (maize meal)

Number of Ethnic Groups: 70

Nobel Peace Prize Winner: Wangari Maathai

Life Expectancy: 57 years (men), 59 years (women) (UN)