Dear Friends,

As Akashinga Wildlife Safaris we love taking our beloved guests through Kenya's National Game Reserves and National Parks. These are the places where we create awesome memories and life-changing experiences. We started Akashinga Wildlife Safaris with a core aim of helping the community around the Maasai Mara Game Reserve and our clients will be able to see how, by choosing Akashinga Wildlife Safaris, they are helping support the people of the Maasai Mara, my people.

I believe that taking safaris - which is the Kiswahili word for ‘journey’ - is very important for all human beings. Visiting different places across the globe gives us many powerful experience and provides valuable perspectives. New ideas are learned, and we can see how life is lived in different countries and across different continents. We experience different climates, see how the people of those places manage to meet their needs, explore their lifestyle and examine how business is undertaken. For the visitor to Kenya, some of the most powerful memories will come from the wildlife they meet. She or he will see how nature looks after itself, how wildlife behaves at different times of the night and day, how it feeds, and breeds. The full circle of life!

My role, and the role of my fellow Kenyans, in taking care of wildlife is so important. It is not just for Kenya, but it is for the whole world.

I advise my children, and the whole world, that we must good care of the natural world and the environment. Our ecosystem is so delicately balanced and there can never be enough efforts to protect it - national and international attention on conservation is crucial. I am proud that I can show clients my ancestral lands. I hope that if people can see the beauty that is here in Kenya, perhaps they will want to help more to save the planet. 

For the Maasai, conservation is also about the means to live. The Maasai are pastoralist people; for us, conservation means ensuring that we still have lands available where are our cattle and sheep can graze and fertile soil for crop plantation. Wildlife safaris are also one of the most important ways to earn revenue for Kenya and for Africa. On a personal level, they allow me to take care of my family and my community. 

I hope when people go on safari with Akashinga Wildlife Safaris that they will have a wonderful experience, see extraordinary animals, meet extraordinary people and witness a world that we must all take some responsibility to protect. 

Yours sincerely,  

Jackson Rarin

Founder and Senior Guide, Akashinga Maasai