Akashinga Maasai is founded with the core intent to make a significant positive impact in the world. From pioneering conservation efforts to developing innovative community support methods, we carefully consider the eco-social impact of every decision we make. Our ultimate goal is for the local community to reap significant benefits from our operations. This principle is a central pillar in our strategy and execution, demonstrating a unique operating model that prioritises community welfare alongside business success.

To ensure we measure impact effectively and maintain complete transparency, we will implement rigorous monitoring and evaluation frameworks. Regular reports will detail our conservation achievements, community development initiatives, and financial performance. We will engage with all stakeholders, including local communities, partners, and guests, providing open access to our findings and progress. By prioritising accountability and openness, we aim to build trust and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. This transparent approach will allow us to showcase the tangible benefits of our operations and continually refine our strategies for greater impact.


Naserian Foundation - Akashinga Maasai’s sister organisation - is a Kenyan-based NGO (non-profit) with a development philosophy grounded in the belief that one must consider holistically all aspects of social and community development. The Foundation prioritises close and respectful collaboration with local communities and with both local and international partners.

Naserian Foundation is the core partner for Akashinga Maasai's impact activities. Naserian focuses on education, healthcare, gender equality, technology, conservation, responsible tourism, economic empowerment, and arts & culture. Their core project is in the community of Olpalagilagi, located only 2km from the southern boundary of the Maasai Mara National Reserve. Olpalagilagi is the home of Akashinga Maasai’s co-founder Jackson Rarin. Jackson, Gabrielle and Toby worked together with Maasai Elders and Community Leaders to identify key infrastructure initiatives needed that would give the community the foundation needed to thrive.

Naserian's education programmes aim to improve access to quality education by building schools and providing scholarships. In healthcare, the Foundation works to enhance local health services and promote wellness. Their gender equality initiatives empower women through skills training and support. In technology, Naserian introduces digital tools to improve livelihoods. Their conservation efforts focus on protecting wildlife and natural habitats, aligning perfectly with Akashinga Maasai's goals. Responsible tourism initiatives ensure that tourism benefits the local community. Economic empowerment projects help create sustainable livelihoods, and arts & culture programmes preserve and celebrate local heritage. This partnership will amplify the impact of Akashinga Maasai, ensuring sustainable and inclusive growth for the Maasai Mara region.

Visit the Naserian Foundation website for more information on its projects. Speak to one of our advisors to see how you can support its work and visit the project while you are with us in Kenya.