Every Akashinga Maasai safari is customised to meet the needs of the individual client. We are able to mould the safari of your dreams, blending together any of the elements from the Safaris Summary. In addition, we are able to advise on and normally can arrange other activities that you may have on your bucket list. It is our greatest pleasure to craft a special trip for clients and know that they are going to have the experience of a lifetime.

Once you have a broad idea of what you would like to achieve with your safari we will begin to put together the trip of your dreams. We will help with every aspect of the planning process and, unless otherwise agreed, will design your trip from arrival at Nairobi’s international airport until departure from Kenya. We will advise on flights, visas and vaccinations, Covid-19 preparedness, guide you on your packing list and help you choose a hotel in Nairobi. We will draw on our deep well of experience and contacts to ensure a seamless experience.

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After a thrilling flight in a small aircraft from Nairobi, a bumpy landing on a bush airstrip and a final short drive to camp, the adventure really begins. Take the time to stop and look around you at unfamiliar sights and to listen to unfamiliar sounds.

The chance to stop and simply immerse oneself in a totally new environment is so rare! Bags unpacked, fed and watered, camera and binos at the ready…it’s time to go on safari!

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The best way to get started is to review the safaris that we have on offer and to see which elements appeal most to you.

As you do, ask yourself a number of questions: How do you like to travel? What is your budget? How many people are you going to be traveling with? What are you priorities for your trip. If you have been on safari before, do you want to repeat your earlier experience or are you looking for new adventures?

Of course, we can help with ideas, so please don’t hesitate to ask if you need any guidance at this stage!

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As the days tick down to your departure we will be in close touch to address any last-minute questions or concerns. The excitement will rise as you head to the airport and see ‘Nairobi’ on the Departures board!

Only a few hours now and you will fall into the warm embrace of the wonderful Akashinga Maasai Wildlife Safari staff, absorb the intriguing scents, sounds and sights that will surround you from the moment of arrival and get ever closer to the wonders of The Mara and Amboseli National Park!

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