Our partnership with professional photographer/ guides allows us to put together tailored photo safaris. Whether you want to perfect your skills with a ‘point and shoot’ or develop prowess with high-end professional cameras. We can answer your questions relating to equipment, photographic style, tuition and preparing for your safari, as well as advising on the right destinations and seasons to travel according to the animals you wish to photograph.

Techniques range hugely and discovering your own trademark style makes photography on safari so exciting. The big cats are the focus of many a budding photographer, but to produce the real story of your safari you need to learn to capture birds in flight, African sunsets, running zebras, wide-angle elephants, giraffe sunset silhouettes, family fun and the extraordinary night sky.

The ability to share photos through social media has revolutionised the way we communicate in the 21st Century. There are so many exciting ways to publish your safari pictures, whether on Instagram or to create professional standard coffee table books online. Knowing that so many people can view your magnificent images only adds to the excitement of wildlife photography. With specialist advice at our fingertips, we can help you capture Africa in a whole new light.