In late 2017, Gabrielle Allen, the CEO and founder of several companies, found herself in need of a rejuvenating break from her rigorous schedule. Her friend Maria, a longtime visitor to Africa, suggested a trip to the Kenyan bush, where computers and phones would be left behind, only retrievable at night to upload the day's photo captures of nature's lingering beauty. Seeking a whimsical adventure beyond a typical beachside vacation, Gabrielle soon booked her journey to Kenya.

The first leg took them to the Amboseli region, with Mount Kilimanjaro in close view. They stayed at the Great Plains Conservation Camp, spending full days on safari drives, photographing wildlife and exploring the vast lands. After orange-red sundowners and exquisite fresh meals, the nights were spent around campfires under billions of incandescent stars, sharing stories with fellow travelers. Gabrielle rediscovered the feeling of a truly restful sleep.

As the days passed, she began to learn from her safari guide, and from the conservationist / photographer accompanying them daily about the real story of Africa. The story of the animals, the people and the land, and how the eco-system works and how it relates to each and every human being and life form on the planet.

Vowing to explore the work of the local conservationist groups and wildlife services, and to apply resources to help accomplish vital, life-saving goals, she left Amboseli with a new, expanded perspective of the treasures of Africa, one that would, with a realisation of the scale and the scope of the work to be done, significantly alter her focus and direction.

The journey continued on to the Maasai Mara, south of Nairobi on the eastern side. The Mara is teeming with wildlife, and its people are warm and welcoming, eager to share the wonders of the region with visitors. The days start at dawn on photo safari, led by guides who have made conservation their life’s work. The sounds, smell, touch and vitality of the Mara are unlike any other.


While out on photo safari game drive one day, the group found themselves in a boma. They spent hours in this local village meeting the Maasai community members, the families, children and elders. Gabrielle was led around the village by Jackson Rarin Rumpe, a village leader, farmer and professional safari guide. Under the heat of the African sun, but caressed by a refreshing breeze they began to talk of many things. Curious to understand more about each other, they spoke of life, of dreams, of ideas, of the vast differences between their two worlds, and of the common threads that unite all humanity, no matter our differences.


As Gabrielle engaged with the community, she observed an undeniable joy present in the faces of her host. She basked in the laughter of the children playing, the women chatting, singing and creating their beautiful jewellery and artefacts, and the men dancing, caring for the livestock and their families. All seemed to be so harmonious, despite what appeared to her as obvious limitations in resources. What was the secret to this joy, she wondered?

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Upon preparing to leave, she said to Jackson… “I have come all the way from California to experience the wildlife, to re-balance my spirit… to refresh my heart, renew my mind… We have so many possessions where I live, but I don’t always see the same faces of joy on the children and people there, such as I see are present in your community. I know you are not without your problems, but still you find such happiness and gratitude with what you have, and you seek to create extraordinary lives. If there was one thing that you feel is missing, what would it be?”

Jackson’s answer was swift and simple: “We need a medical clinic. We have to travel very far to receive medical care and sometimes when a member of our community is injured, we cannot get them to the hospital in time and they die.”

It was in that moment that a new vision and a new partnership was borne. The villagers gave Gabrielle the Maasai name, Naserian. After returning home to the USA, Gabrielle stayed in close communication with Jackson and together they got to work on planning for the development and construction of the Naserian Medical Clinic and Wellness Center, to be built in Jackson’s community in the Maasai Mara.

Status Report: Naserian Medical Clinic & School

Development of the Naserian Foundation Medical Clinic continues. Pritzker Prize winning architect Francis Kéré will lead design on the project. Planning is expected to be finalised by the end of 2024

Land has been awarded to the newly formed Naserian Foundation by the Maasai Community, and registered with the Bureau of Land Management. The parcels of land are adjacent to the Opalagilagi Primary School and Community. A Project Committee was formed under Naserian, to help execute extensive research in support of the construction and operations of the Medical Clinic, to establish the core medical and health needs of the men, women and children in the region.

For more information on The Naserian Olpalagilagi Infrastructure Project, visit the Naserian Foundation website or write to